Zombie games are very popular on the android market. Android owners love to play these games. In this collection Lycanbd is giving you some best zombie games apk for Armv6- Qvga- Hvga- Wvga Android devices.
Download Best 10 Zombie games Pack1
This is Package 1 of the zombie games collection! Package 2 will be coming up later. Package 1 game list:
1) Plants vs. Zombies:
2) Stupid Zombies:
3) Zombie Lane:
4) Pro Zombie Soccer:
5) Zombie Smash:
Test your survival skills while teaming up with unlikely allies in ZombieSmash ! ZombieSmash! is a “Survival Comedy” game, featuring undead-themed castle defense and entertaining, physics-based gameplay. The game casts players as Joey, a lone survivor pit against a herd of writhing, unrelenting zombies - to defeat the undead masses, players must use their fingers to flick and smash them until they're un-undead.
6) Drive with Zombies 3D:
Driving, shooting, and zombies...all in one!Drive your car down a desert highway as zombies leap at your vehicle and attempt to flip you over! How long can you survive the zombie attack? 7) Zombie Village
Zombie Village is the most fun and challenging game if you are so into about Zombie game...You are the only survival citizen who can deal with the zombies which walk around all over the village, kill the endless zombies with your stick, gunshot, or even thunder gun.
8) Zombie Flick:
9) ZOMBIES! Hit and RUN!: 
A Zombie Killing Driving Game! Flee the zombie outbreak squash the walking dead A Zombie Killing Driving game! The Zombie outbreak has begun and you must escape the walking dead!Armed with your trusty car and a full tank of gas, the only thing that can stop you is losing hope, and crashing. Hit Zombies with your car to keep hope alive! Drive as far as you can to escape! 10) Zombieville USA:
Download Best 10 Zombie games Pack1 ( 265 MB)
Download & Enjoy all these awesome Zombie games apk for your armv6 qvga hvga wvga android phones.