This is a fork of the popular application Droidwall that uses iptables to limit data usage and add security to Android. Droidwall was originally created by developer Rodrigo Zechin Rosauro and was discontinued.
Android Firewall supports both ARM and x86 Android devices.
If you don’t know what ROOT ACCESS is please read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_rooting
The Superuser permission is declared in the manifest for Android Firewall. Information on this permission can be read about here:
Android Firewall has all the same features as Droidwall and then some.
***Android Firewall Features***
Holo UI for all users.
Navigation Drawer
Help section that is actually helpful now.
Profiles – up to 6 which are created from your exported rules files.
Ability to export and import rules to files. These store ALL settings for fine-grained control of your profiles.
Tasker/Locale Support.
Roaming Support.
VPN Support.
LAN Support.
SDCard Support for users who have a lot of apps installed on their SDCard.
Tethering Support.
Multiple languages and the ability to choose your language.
x86 Support for users with Intel based Android devices.
If you install Android Firewall and find that the software is non-functional please e-mail me and I will do my best to correct the issues in a very timely manner.

Download Android Firewall v2.2.7 android
Android Firewall v2.2.7Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Size : 2MB
Download GOOGle : Here
Instructions : Instal apk and play