*This package is inspiration from Firefox OS ( Rounded icons ) but add some improve to make it clean, simple and more nice :)
*Icons is 135 * 135 Pixel . Recommend to adjust your icon size to make it look better .
*Package work fine with Apex, Nova, Go Launcher, Holo, Launcher Pro, ADW Launcher and maybe more.
*Request are welcome, if you have problem, contact me instead of bad vote :)
*Hope you like it , more icons to come in future :)
*Icons is 135 * 135 Pixel . Recommend to adjust your icon size to make it look better .
*Package work fine with Apex, Nova, Go Launcher, Holo, Launcher Pro, ADW Launcher and maybe more.
*Request are welcome, if you have problem, contact me instead of bad vote :)
*Hope you like it , more icons to come in future :)