Advanced Xperia Z Launcher v2.0.6 Apk

Advanced Xperia Z Launcher


Based on Xperia™ Home 5.1.S.0.0 from Xperia Z, Advanced Xperia Z Launcher with added lot of functionality.

Features in Advanced Version

- Support for any resolution and any DPI setting
- User selectable desktop and App drawer grid size (from 3×3 up to 12×12)
- User assignable swipe, pinch and double tap gestures and button actions
- Infinite scrolling
- Hiding apps on the app drawer
- Support for Go Launcher and Launcher Pro icon packs
- Personalize individual shortcuts’ icon and label
- Backup & restore launcher settings
- Adding shortcuts to launcher actions and to any activity
- Others

Changes from stock 5.1.S.0.0:
- Installable as normal APK on any Android 4.0.3+ device / ROM
- Maximum number of home screens increased from 7 to 11
- The new Xperia Z dock background image also applied for HDPI and MDPI (besides XHDPI)
- Removed shortcut for selecting Sony color theme (themes do not work on most devices, if your device supports it, you can change the theme in: Settings -> Display -> Theme)
- App Drawer: The desktop scrolling effect also added to the app drawer
- App Drawer: Removed the backplate image
- Slightly decreased stiffness of the scrolling dynamics for the desktop / app drawer

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